We are a friendly church in the village of Croton-on-Hudson, NY. Our members come from a variety of Christian backgrounds and from many countries of the world. Please join us in our journey of faith.
Learn more about us.
Sunday Worship Service, 10 a.m.
We welcome you to worship with us each Sunday morning. Please join us for coffee hour in the parish hall after the service. Starting on Sunday, March 2, services are streamed live on YouTube and recordings are available there for later viewing. Recordings of services prior to March 2 can be found on Facebook.
View worship service bulletins
Bible Study
Bible study is continuing on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the rear of the sanctuary. We are continuing our study of Proverbs. Join us, even if you did not attend earlier sessions. Pastor Johnson’s popular series of videos from last spring Unlearning Bad Theology is still available on our Facebook page.
Your continued financial support is essential for our ministry in this community and around the world. You may bring or mail your contributions to the church or contribute online.