Happenings the next few weeks

Good day siblings in Christ,

There is a LOT happening in the next few weeks, so let me get going.

This Sunday we begin outside worship, weather pending. We will probably be outside through September/October. If it is raining, we will move indoors, but it is a nice worship experience outside. We will have a shorter worship service as well, so a bonus for that. Masks are back to being optional from this point forward. Remember–wear red this Sunday for Pentecost!

This Sunday is also Summerfest in Croton on Hudson. We are still looking for an individual to help from 2-3 and 3-4 p.m. It would involve taking tickets, being a smiling face to the community, and showing how awesome Our Saviour is. All funds collected will go to support Ukraine through Lutheran World Relief.

The food collection for Padres Hispanos is winding up this week. We had a small delay in delivering food, so if you have any donations you would like to make, this is the week to do so.

On Wednesday, June 29 from 11-12:30 we will be partnering at Temple Israel of Northern Westchester to create flower arrangements for those who are homebound. You will need a pickle jar or mason jar, a pair of scissors, a shoebox (if possible), and a willingness to help. If you can be there that Wednesday, please contact Yana Fomin, coordinator at Temple Israel. Please identify yourself as a member of Our Saviour too. I cannot be there that Wednesday, but hope to be at future ones.

We have received a communication from Open Arms for Refugees. A new family is moving in and donations are being requested.

This will be the last week for Bible study in person. In two weeks, the online study of John will conclude as well.

Pastor Johnson