Congregational meeting this Sunday

June 10, 2021

Good day siblings in Christ,

I want to give a big THANK YOU to Lee Ann for leading worship last week. I heard she did a wonderful job, as always!

There is a congregational meeting following worship this week. You may attend in person or by Zoom. The Zoom link was sent to members by email. It may rain this weekend, so we may be in the sanctuary for everything.

I have been in class all week and once again, I’ve had the joy of talking about you to my classmates. This week was the start of my second (out of 3) year of my Doctorate of Ministry program. This week was focused on research methods and zeroing in on the potential thesis.

For those interested, my thesis will involve Our Saviour, as every thesis should be contextual. My focus will be using play in faith formation for adults, especially Gen X and younger to age 21, so get ready for some play based sermons and Bible studies in the near future. There may be times where I need a test group who wouldn’t mind going through one round of a traditional Bible study and then a second round using play. Unless something drastic changes from my advisor, this will be my focus.

Once again, we are asking you to write to your congressperson on behalf of Bread for the World. It just takes a few minutes, but it helps keep the focus on funding hunger programs. The link is

Be love,
Pastor Johnson