
Good day siblings in Christ,

I am just getting back from hosting my fellow Lutheran pastors at our church and feeding them well. I have learned from all of you about some good hosting habits. 

In one week, we will have 6 youth getting confirmed. For the last few weeks, Bibles have been put out for the congregation to add a note of congratulations and their favorite Bible verse. You have just one more week to add your name and verse. Please do so as it makes a wonderful gift to our youth as they travel to college and beyond. I still have youth from my past contacting me to let me know how much their Bible means to them. Let’s begin this wonderful tradition here.

After tonight, Wednesday night Bible study will be on hold for a few weeks as there are various people on vacation or trips. It will resume in November. An online study will begin shortly.

The Christmas Fair plans are underway. If you would like to be part of the team, please talk to Lois about either helping with the planning or creating crafts.

We can use some help putting away items from the tag sale. They are downstairs in the basement and there are boxes around. We will move the items into the hallway.

Our annual meeting will be held on November 13 after the worship service. It will be in person only. New York state laws now only allow meetings like this in person or online only and can no longer be a hybrid. We will have the book of reports sent by October 30. If you have a report due, this is the week to type it up and send it to Melanie by the end of the week.

Next week, I am attending the Bishop’s retreat for rostered leaders. This is an annual event and a time to learn some new things happening in the Synod.

If you are driving around the neighborhood, look for our new church signs. Thank you to Ken for ordering them and putting them up. They look great!

Pastor Johnson