Good day siblings in Christ, I just returned from the annual Bishop’s retreat for rostered leaders. It was led by Rozella Haydée White, who writes and spoke on self-care and knowing oneself. Her book is worth a read. Tonight at 7:00 p.m. we resume Bible study on Exodus. This weekend, we celebrate the Reformation and,Continue reading “Return from Bishop’s retreat”
Category Archives: Pastor Johnson
90th anniversary
Good day siblings in Christ, We know this weekend is our 90th anniversary! Bishop Paul Egensteiner is preaching and a lovely luncheon by Coles is being provided after the service. Over 50 people have signed up and it should be a joyous day. I wanted to write the main part of this week’s letter afterContinue reading “90th anniversary”
One more week!
Good day siblings in Christ, This Sunday, Our Saviour will host Pinecrest’s reunion and lock-in. They will be arriving to the church on Saturday evening and staying through worship on Sunday. Thank you to those who are helping cook breakfast at 8:30 on Sunday. It will be great having everyone in worship that Sunday. PleaseContinue reading “One more week!”
Good day siblings in Christ, There is A LOT happening in the next few weeks, so I will get right into it. On September 30, the annual yard sale is on! Feel free to bring your workable, but used items for the sale. Please ensure they are in saleable condition, so other families can enjoyContinue reading “Announcements”