Good day siblings in Christ, There is A LOT happening in the next few weeks, so I will get right into it. On September 30, the annual yard sale is on! Feel free to bring your workable, but used items for the sale. Please ensure they are in saleable condition, so other families can enjoyContinue reading “Announcements”
Category Archives: Pastor Johnson
Upcoming events
Good day siblings in Christ, There is A LOT happening in the next few weeks, so I will get right into it. On September 30, the annual yard sale is on! Feel free to bring your workable, but used items for the sale. Please ensure they are in saleable condition, so other families can enjoyContinue reading “Upcoming events”
A lot happening the next few weeks
Good day siblings in Christ, There is A LOT happening in the next few weeks, so I will get right into it. This Sunday, we will be blessing the quilts and Lutheran World Relief items going from the church out into the communities who can use them. There are so many items it has overflowedContinue reading “A lot happening the next few weeks”
A very important message
Good day siblings in Christ, I usually take this time to share some upcoming events happening at Our Saviour, but this week I want to share with you some disturbing events that have been transpiring in the area. We often think that “things like that” don’t happen here, until they happen here. I was informedContinue reading “A very important message”