Good day siblings in Christ, Just a reminder there is no Bible study tomorrow night. The other reminder is Ash Wednesday is coming up on February 22. We will have a service at 7:00 p.m. that evening. Rev. Sohm and I will more than likely be at the train station in the morning from aboutContinue reading “Thinking ahead to Ash Wednesday”
Category Archives: Pastor Johnson
Big News!
Good day siblings in Christ, I want to share some exciting news after two brief announcements. Announcement 1: Bible study is tonight at 7:00 p.m., but will not happen next week due to a prior commitment. Announcement 2: The ordination service where Lisa Stephens was ordained is on our Facebook page. It is a greatContinue reading “Big News!”
This week’s news
Good day siblings in Christ, This Sunday, we welcome Larry and Lori as our musicians. They will be providing music with the organ, guitar, and piano. I am grateful they will be sharing their gifts with us so Phill can be away. Beginning Monday, I will be away for the week and on Sunday, JanuaryContinue reading “This week’s news”
See you Sunday
Good day siblings in Christ, Bible study continues tonight at 7:00 p.m. in person. The next few weeks will be quiet announcement-wise, so I will just send a brief note with the bulletin. Hope to see you Sunday! Pastor Johnson