Good day siblings in Christ, I have been on retreat this week with the Metro NY Synod. Our speaker has been Rozella Haydee White, who has been discussing self-care, knowing and owning our stories, and recognizing our unique gifts in the world. It has been very uplifting. This week we will confirm 6 youth asContinue reading “Confirmation this Sunday”
Category Archives: Pastor Johnson
Good day siblings in Christ, I am just getting back from hosting my fellow Lutheran pastors at our church and feeding them well. I have learned from all of you about some good hosting habits. In one week, we will have 6 youth getting confirmed. For the last few weeks, Bibles have been put outContinue reading “Announcements”
Announcements and flour giveaway
Good day siblings in Christ, I first want to give a big thanks to all who helped with the tag sale last week. We raised over $380 and the good news is a member has decided to match that amount! Thank you to our donor! The Christmas Fair plans are underway. If you would likeContinue reading “Announcements and flour giveaway”
Announcements and a few updates
Good day siblings in Christ, There are a few additional items for the congregation besides the usual announcements. This weekend will be our tag sale on Saturday. If you have items to donate, please leave them by the downstairs door under the fellowship hall. Please do not leave them on the parsonage deck as IContinue reading “Announcements and a few updates”