Good day siblings in Christ, In one week on Saturday, October 8, we will have our annual tag sale. There is a sign-up sheet to help out. One major change this year is we will be having the tag sale downstairs, so there will be no need to bring all the items upstairs. We willContinue reading “Tag sale”
Category Archives: Pastor Johnson
Positive feedback on last week’s service
Good day siblings in Christ, Thank you for all the positive feedback from last week’s service. It was quite refreshing to be able to share a fuller piece of my family and people’s history. While it is not the full story, it began a conversation, which was the key. Thank you for all who shared.Continue reading “Positive feedback on last week’s service”
New Bible study
Good day siblings in Christ, Tonight at 7:00 p.m. we begin a new series in our Bible study on the Gospel of Mark (unless there are other ideas). Mark will be next year’s Gospel for our Sunday morning readings, so it may be interesting to go through the whole Gospel and its uniqueness. On SeptemberContinue reading “New Bible study”
Good day siblings in Christ, I have been a little distracted recently, hence the lateness each week of this update. When I started these updates, the goal was to get the bulletin out because everyone was online and there was no office administrator in the building. I have kept them going as a way ofContinue reading “Distraction”