Good day siblings in Christ, Thank you to all who helped put last Sunday’s Christmas in July together. It was just a little bit of fun during a very hot month. We are getting ready to start our 90th anniversary celebration on October 14th and 15th in 2023 (notice the year). While it seems farContinue reading “Our 90th anniversary in 2023”
Category Archives: Pastor Johnson
Lots of announcements
Good morning everyone! Since last week, a number of new opportunities have come up for the next few weeks. I wanted to share them in a separate post. The first is that the Diakonia program has been renamed Growing in Faith and is a continuing education program for both deacons and people who just wantContinue reading “Lots of announcements”
Christmas in July
Good day siblings in Christ, Merry Christmas! The pastor has not lost his mind, but this week we are celebrating Christmas in July! The readings will be Christmas readings, the songs will be Christmas song (no Silent Night, we saved that one for Christmas), and I heard the coffee hour is even Christmas themed, butContinue reading “Christmas in July”
Baby care kits
Good day siblings in Christ, Baby care kits for Lutheran World ReliefOn July 17 we will be cutting up donated T-shirts during coffee hour to be used as sleep shirts in baby care kits for Lutheran World Relief. Everyone can do this–kids, adults, everyone! “This is a God’s work. Our hands.” activity, so if youContinue reading “Baby care kits”