Good day siblings in Christ, What a beautiful weekend last weekend was with the baptism of Madison. Thank you all who could be there. As we look forward, Easter will be here shortly. Worship services will be at 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m., with a light Easter breakfast at 9:00 a.m. It should be aContinue reading “Easter services; aid for Ukraine”
Category Archives: Pastor Johnson
Baptism, quilting, and Ukraine aid
Good day siblings in Christ, This Sunday, we will be requiring masks for the service because we are having a baptism! We will be welcoming Madison as a child of God and celebrating with her family. Madison was born right as Covid was beginning and the shutdown happened, so this is a very special celebration indeed.Continue reading “Baptism, quilting, and Ukraine aid”
A lot on the horizon
Good day siblings in Christ, There is lots on the horizon for the next few weeks at Our Saviour. The first is tonight we begin a Bible study in person and on Zoom on the book of Revelation. For many, this book is a scary topic due to how it has been used and abusedContinue reading “A lot on the horizon”
End of “redesigned for Covid” services
Good day siblings in Christ, Just a reminder that tonight at 7:00 p.m. is our Ash Wednesday service as we begin the season of Lent. This Sunday will be our last “redesigned for Covid” service with our guest musician Larry. I am a bit excited to return to what services used to look like, butContinue reading “End of “redesigned for Covid” services”