Good day siblings in Christ, This Sunday, we will begin to add elements back into the service which have been missing for a little bit. We will add back ushers/greeters and readers. Coffee hour will also return this week. If you can help as an usher/greeter, reader, or coffee hour host, please contact Melanie atContinue reading “New online journey through the Gospel of John”
Category Archives: Pastor Johnson
Returning greeters, readers, and coffee hour
Good day siblings in Christ, Beginning in February, so one more week, we will begin to add elements back into the service which have been missing for a little bit. We will begin adding back ushers and greeters. We will also begin adding readers back into the service. The council felt we could safely beginContinue reading “Returning greeters, readers, and coffee hour”
Bible study is resuming tonight
Good day siblings in Christ, Not much to share this week. We will worship in person on Sunday and re-evaluate as needed as Covid works through our area. For January we will not have coffee hour following worship. We will resume it in February pending comfort levels and Covid numbers. It is disappointing, but theContinue reading “Bible study is resuming tonight”
In-person worship, gift swap, and Bible study
Good day siblings in Christ, For those wondering, we will return to in-person worship this Sunday. Please continue to take precautions by wearing masks, but we will be back in action this Sunday. Thank you for understanding last week’s service and thank you for your patience. My classes are concluded for a few weeks andContinue reading “In-person worship, gift swap, and Bible study”