Good day siblings in Christ, This week will be our annual meeting immediately following the service. A Zoom link sent to church members may be used for both the service and the annual meeting. Since we are using Zoom, the service will not be streamed on YouTube this week. The service will be on FacebookContinue reading “Annual meeting this Sunday”
Category Archives: Pastor Johnson
Starting to think about Christmas
Good day siblings in Christ, In two weeks on November 21, we will have our annual meeting immediately following our worship service. On that day, we will be streaming on Zoom instead of YouTube in addition to Facebook. I stated a few weeks ago that we tried YouTube live and something would mess up everyContinue reading “Starting to think about Christmas”
Reformation Day
Good day siblings in Christ, There are a few announcements for the community this week. The first is that beginning in November with All Saints Sunday, we will begin scheduling readers again. We want to start opening up worship again with more voices and sounds, so we continue along that journey. The second announcement isContinue reading “Reformation Day”
Watch out for phishing emails
Good day siblings in Christ, I want to let you know that another phishing attempt is being made using my name. This happens to clergy regularly now. These fraudulent email messages may appear to come from my email address or one similar to mine, but they are NOT from me. I will never ask congregational membersContinue reading “Watch out for phishing emails”