Good day siblings in Christ, Our Bible study group has just started a study on the Book of James. There wasn’t class last week, so if you are thinking of jumping in, we have only looked at chapter 1. We are studying James, not only because it is part of the lectionary this month, butContinue reading “Wednesday Bible study on the book of James”
Category Archives: Pastor Johnson
Donations from “God’s Work, Our Hands” Sunday
Good day siblings in Christ, If you did not hear the wonderful news on Sunday, we exceeded our goals in the collection for Padres Hispanos in Ossining. FINAL COUNT OF DONATIONS Anna Guzman, Director of Padres Hispanos, was thrilled to receive our donation of beans and rice. The final count was 159 cans of beansContinue reading “Donations from “God’s Work, Our Hands” Sunday”
Start of Bible study; “God’s Work, Our Hands” Sunday
Good day siblings in Christ, There is a lot happening this week, so I hope you will join in some of the fun! The first announcement is Bible study resumes tonight! I am going to attempt a hybrid approach to Bible study this round and hope the internet works downstairs. If you would like toContinue reading “Start of Bible study; “God’s Work, Our Hands” Sunday”
Restarting activities this fall
Good day siblings in Christ, It is just about fall and that season always seems to bring a new type of life to the church. Unfortunately, we are still contending with a virus and new variants are appearing. I keep praying this will end one day soon, but it seems like slower is the wayContinue reading “Restarting activities this fall”