Good day siblings in Christ, This Sunday is All Saints Sunday and it is a time we talk about death and those who went before us. If you have a small memento, you can place it on the back or front altar as a way of bringing the saints into our worship space. We willContinue reading “All Saints”
Category Archives: Pastor Johnson
My Native American story
Good day siblings in Christ, Thank you for allowing me to travel last weekend to my friend’s congregation in Pennsylvania to tell my Native American story. A big thank you to Deacon Lee Ann for leading worship. The congregation I visited has been working through some of the goals the ELCA set out when itContinue reading “My Native American story”
This week
Good day siblings in Christ, This Sunday we will have the Service of the Word with Deacon Lee Ann, as I head to Spies, PA to share my Native American story with a friend’s congregation. The ELCA asked congregations to research tribes their land sits on, partner with a local tribe, and learn about NativeContinue reading “This week”
Stories of faith
Good day siblings in Christ, I had the opportunity to attend the memorial for Amy this weekend. It was a very lovely gathering of neighbors with a tree planting at her home. Westchester County made a declaration to honor her as well. I am attaching pictures of the tree and the declaration. This sermons forContinue reading “Stories of faith”