June 23, 2021 Good day siblings in Christ, There is only one update this week and it is a fun one! On July 11, we are doing a re-get to know you moment following worship. It is just a time to gather, have some coffee, and see one another again. Our hope is the weatherContinue reading “July 11 gathering and quilt auction”
Category Archives: Pastor Johnson
Masks no longer required
June 16, 2021 Good day siblings in Christ, For those who did not see the press conference yesterday, Gov. Cuomo has lifted the mask requirements in the state. After an email discussion with the council, we too have decided that masks will be optional both outdoors and indoors. We encourage the use of masks, especiallyContinue reading “Masks no longer required”
Congregational meeting this Sunday
June 10, 2021 Good day siblings in Christ, I want to give a big THANK YOU to Lee Ann for leading worship last week. I heard she did a wonderful job, as always! There is a congregational meeting following worship this week. You may attend in person or by Zoom. The Zoom link was sentContinue reading “Congregational meeting this Sunday”
Recorded service this week
Good day siblings in Christ, This is the week I will be unavailable because I will be “in class” all week. The online service has been recorded and uploaded and will be on Facebook and YouTube only. There is no Zoom this week. If you would like to worship in person, Lee Ann will beContinue reading “Recorded service this week”