March 17, 2021 Good day siblings in Christ, This week’s posting will be a short one. The only worship update I have is that you will need to reserve space if you plan to attend Easter services in person. This is necessary so that the church is not overcrowded and social distancing can be maintained.Continue reading “Brief announcements”
Category Archives: Pastor Johnson
In-person worship
March 10, 2021 Good day siblings in Christ, We had three people in worship last Sunday and it was great to see everyone who came. I figured it would be a slow rollout, so this was expected. Thus Sunday we will again welcome people into the sanctuary, but please remember that windows will be openContinue reading “In-person worship”
Limited reopening this Sunday
March 3, 2021 Good day siblings in Christ, This Sunday, we will be opening the doors once again for worshipers to join us in person. This time around, we will have doors and windows opened for air circulation, so it may be wise to bring a jacket. The windows in the link will be openContinue reading “Limited reopening this Sunday”
Returning to in-person worship
February 24, 2021 Good day siblings in Christ, There has been a slight uptick in questions about re-opening the church for services again and I believe it is because more people in the congregation are getting the vaccine. I have had my first dose and will gladly share with anyone what the process was likeContinue reading “Returning to in-person worship”