- A difficult time
- Big events tomorrow
- January activities
- Epiphany
- This is the week!
- Welcome to Advent
- Annual meeting this Sunday
- Worship roadmap
- All Saints
- My Native American story
- This week
- Stories of faith
- Events in September
- Blessing of quilts and kits
- What will this week’s bread be?
- More bread
- Bread
- Summer
- Announcements
- A busy weekend
- Back after a rewarding two weeks
- Summer announcements
- Summerfest
- Last Sunday
- Announcements
- Mother’s Day
- Thank you
- Deacon Lee Ann
- Lots happening after Easter
- Continuing the Easter narrative
- Christ is Risen!
- Holy Week services
- Holy Week approaching
- Announcements and a question
- Announcements
- Deacon Lee Ann
- February 14, Ash Wednesday
- Lent is approaching
- Announcements
- Announcements for the New Year
- Christmas Eve
- Christmas Fair
- An exciting week
- 7 week (!) Advent program
- Return from Bishop’s retreat
- 90th anniversary
- One more week!
- Announcements
- Upcoming events
- A lot happening the next few weeks
- A very important message
- Great week of camp
- Next few weeks
- Summer announcements
- Joy
- Healthcare kits for Lutheran World Relief
- RIC update
- Events this week
- Events this Sunday
- Pentecost Sunday
- Announcements
- Croton Fest and more
- Announcements
- Discernment
- Thank you for help during Holy Week
- Holy Week
- Approaching Holy Week
- Fourth week of Lent
- Joyous news
- “Ask”
- Beginning of Lent
- Thinking ahead to Ash Wednesday
- Big News!
- This week’s news
- See you Sunday
- Lessons and Carols this Sunday
- Pop-up Christmas pageant
- Two weeks until Christmas
- Long list of announcements
- Giving Tuesday
- An exciting time for the congregation
- Holidays approaching
- Lots of announcements
- Announcements from Sunday
- Confirmation this Sunday
- Announcements
- Announcements and flour giveaway
- Annual meeting announcement and deadline for reports
- Announcements and a few updates
- Tag sale
- Positive feedback on last week’s service
- Congratulations to Vicar Lisa Stephens
- New Bible study
- Distraction
- Activities in September
- Announcements
- Blessing of quilts and kits
- Churchwide Assembly
- Our 90th anniversary in 2023
- Lots of announcements