2024 Christmas Fair
Thanks to all who made our annual Christmas Fair on December 7 such a great success. We raised over $5000, including a matching gift from a generous donor. We will donate thirty percent of this divided between Padres Hispanos of Ossining and Hudson Link for Higher Education in Prison.
Blessing of Quilts and Kits for Lutheran World Relief
On September 8, 2024 we blessed the quilts and kits which we have made during the past year for Lutheran World Relief. They have now been delivered to LWR for distribution throughout the world. This year our busy workers have made and donated:
78 quilts
41 personal care kits
40 school kits
12 baby care kits
18 fabric kits

At Christmas 2023, Lutheran World Relief recognizes Our Saviour’s help for children around the world

90th Anniversary Celebration
On October 15, 2023 we celebrated 90 years of service to our community and the world at our worship service and a luncheon. Bishop Paul Egensteiner of the ELCA Metro New York Synod joined us for this joyous occasion.
Slideshow of the history of the congregation
2023 Christmas Fair
Thanks to all who made our annual Christmas Fair on December 9 such a great success. We raised over $2100, and a generous donor has matched the first $2000 to give a total of $4100. Thirty percent of this will be divided among Padres Hispanos of Ossining, the Darajani Secondary School in Tanzania, and Hudson Link.
2023 Quilts and Kits for LWR
On Sunday, October 10, 2023 our sanctuary was filled with 57 beautiful quilts plus school bags, baby care kits, personal care kits, and fabric bundles which we have made during the past year. These were dedicated at our worship service and have been sent to Lutheran World Relief for distribution to those in need around the world.

2022 Christmas Fair
Thanks to all who made our annual Christmas Fair on December 3 such a great success. We raised over $1600, which has been matched by a generous donor to give a total of $3200. Thirty percent will be divided among Padres Hispanos of Ossining, the Darajani Secondary School in Tanzania, and ELCA Good Gifts to buy farm animals for those in need around the world.
2022 Quilts and Kits for LWR
On August 28, 2022 we blessed the quilts and kits we have made during the past year for Lutheran World Relief to be distributed to those in need around the world. Our gifts include:
60 quilts
60 personal care kits
45 school bags
24 fabric bundles
14 baby care kits
Support for Lutheran World Relief
We are pleased to support Lutheran World Relief through monetary donations and regular shipments of hand-made quilts, health kits, baby care kits, and school bags. On May 31, 2022, Rev. Tim Krick of LWR visited us and described where our gifts go and how they are used.

Our quilting group meets each Tuesday morning at 9:00 a.m. in the church basement to make quilts for LWR. Please join us. All are welcome and no quilting experience is needed.
Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine
Recently we have collected donations for humanitarian aid to Ukraine through LWR. At the Croton Summerfest on June 5, we auctioned a beautiful hand-made quilt and collected $383 for Ukraine. This amount was doubled by a gift from a generous congregation member. Our donations for Ukraine now total $14,131. We will forward any additional donations we receive to LWR.

2021 Pop-up Christmas Fair
Our Pop-up Christmas Fair on December 4 was a joyous event. We contributed $300 from the fair proceeds to the Croton Caring Committee to support their Holiday Food Basket Program and an additional $300 to Darajani Secondary School in Marangu – Kilimanjaro, Tanzania to help with school repairs.
2021 Quilts for Lutheran World Relief
On July 11, 2021 we held a special celebration and coffee hour showcasing our contributions to Lutheran World Relief. During the previous year, our Christian Crafters group sewed 30 quilts to be donated to LWR for distribution around the world. One quilt was auctioned to raise funds for the purchase of supplies to make more quilts next year. In addition to the quilts, we have donated a large number of school kits and health care kits to LWR.